This report summarizes field work completed between October 1,1988 and September 30, 1989 under interagency agreement (#14-16-001- 89508) between the U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. About $148,300 in USFWS funds was expended on salaries, transportation, and equipment. An additional $46,000 in biologist salaries, overhead, and office equipment was contributed to the project by USDA Forest Service, Klamath National Forest. Expenditures are summarized in Appendix N.
The principle objective of field work was to identify existing salmonid spawning and rearing habitat condition and use in eleven streams located in Salmon, Scott, Shasta, and Mid-Klamath sub-basins. The project focuses on habitat conditions encountered during summer base-flow period, however habitat limitations for other periods are described. Crews completed physical habitat assessments and biological surveys for 208 km (125 mi) of streams.