Monitoring Report - 2008 Scott River Water Trust
Author | Publisher | Year | Pages | Resource Type |
Erich Yokel | SRCD | 01/01/2009 | 48 | PDF |
The Scott River Water Trust (Water Trust) performed a series of transactions with adjudicated water users in the Scott River Watershed to forbear all or part of their diversion in the summer and fall of 2008. The Siskiyou Resource Conservation District (RCD) staff monitored water quality (temperature), quantity (stream discharge), fish habitat (pool volume), and fish presence (direct observation) before and after most of these transactions to document the effect on the instream habitat quality. The RCD performed monitoring activities with the Water Trust during the summer of 2007 and this initial experience was used to direct a more comprehensive monitoring program in 2008.
A variety of monitoring protocols were used to attempt to document the effect of the leased water on water quality, quantity and fish habitat. The main goal of this effort was to monitor the effectiveness of the Water Trust at a project level to improve the quality and quantity of available suitable aquatic habitat. The monitoring effort utilized protocols to monitor the physical habitat of the stream and documented the presence of the target species (coho and Chinook salmon) in the habitats affected by the transactions. The main objective of the monitoring effort was to answer the following questions while learning more about the hydrology and instream habitat availability in the Scott River Watershed.
2008, Hydrology, Monitoring, SRWT, Temperature