Scott River Mainstem - Horn Lane to above Fay Lane
Author | Publisher | Year | Pages | Resource Type |
Unknown | SRCD | 01/01/2004 | 12 | PDF |
This portion of the Scott River mainstem includes the area from the Hom Lane Bridge outside of Etna to 1.1 miles above the Fay Lane Bridge, 6 miles north of Callahan. (See Map #4) This reach is immediately downstream of the tailings piles north of Callahan. The tailings are six miles of dredger piles created by the Yuba dredge in the 1930's. Legal description of this reach is T41N R9W Sec 35 and T42N R9W Sec 2, 11, 13, 14,24. Elevation ranges from 2800 to 2860 feet. This section is broken out into three stream reaches based on Channel Typing. Reach I (Scott 1) is from the Horn Lane Bridge to the Scott Valley Irrigation District Ditch (SVID). Reach 2 (Scott 2) is SVID to the mouth of French Creek. Reach 3 (Scott 3) is from the mouth of French Creek upstream to approximately 5,808 feet above the Fay Lane Bridge. Tributaries include McConaughey Gulch ( ephemeral) and French Creek.
2003, Habitat Typing, Stream Inventory, SRCD Projects, Scott Valley, Scott River