Scott River Riparian Restoration Project II
Author | Publisher | Year | Pages | Resource Type |
Gary Black | SRCD | 13/04/2001 | 17 | PDF |
The goal of the Scott River Riparian Restoration II Project is to improve and expand riparian and cold water hahitat throughout a 5.0 river mile section of the Scott River by planting 35 acres of riparian area. The project was funded by the USFWS - Jobs in the woods program, USFWS - Klamath Restoration Act, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The project reach of the Scott River is important to the watershed's fisheries due to cool summer flows and prime spawning habitat Although the reach has some positive aspects, there are also problems present as well. Much of the project reach has an overly wide and unstable active channel due to excessive bed load created by millions of yards of mining tailings located up stream from the project
Riparian, Riparian Restoration, Scott Valley, Scott River