Scott River Spawning Gravel Evaluation and Enhancement Plan
Author | Publisher | Year | Pages | Resource Type |
Cramer Fish Sciences | SRCD | 01/01/2010 | 116 | PDF |
The Scott River Spawning Gravel Enhancement Plan (Plan) was developed through a cooperative effort from Cramer Fish Sciences, The Siskiyou Resource Conservation District, Philip Williams & Associates, California Department of Fish and Game, and the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. The document provides a description of the scientific approach used to identify salmonid spawning habitat conditions and prioritize potential enhancement locations and the results of the application of this approach on the Scott River Watershed. The broad-level study approach has been designed to use best available data and field sampling to assess watershed processes and determine potential impacts to salmonid spawning and incubation habitat. The Plan provides watershed stakeholders with a framework for identifying, quantifying and qualifying spawning habitat for anadromous salmonids within the Scott River Basin and for prioritizing and strategizing the protection and maintenance of quality habitat as well as enhancement of sub-optimal habitat. The Plan is programmatic in nature and accomplishes the following:
- Identifies the range of general salmonid spawning habitat conditions (i.e., substrate quantity/quality, morphologic features) that exists in key reaches of the watershed.
- Provides information on the most effectivemethods of spawning gravel enhancement currently used.
- Provides a basic monitoring and prioritization plan for the quantity and quality of salmonid spawning habitat (emphasizing coho salmon) within the watershed. Note: the Plan can be used not only to prioritize areas with the greatest potential for gravel enhancement but also for identifying areas with greatest habitat quantity and quality presently.
- Provides a simple tool for measuring potential, relative change in embryo survival from enhancement actions within the watershed.
Spawning Ground Surveys, SRCD, CDFW, PCFMC, 2009, Scott River, Sediment, Monitoring