Stream Inventory Report: Sugar Creek
Author | Publisher | Year | Pages | Resource Type |
Unknown | SRCD | 01/01/2006 | 38 | PDF |
A stream inventory was conducted from 8/16/2005 to 8/17/2005 on Sugar Creek, Siskiyou County. The survey began 160 feet above the confluence with Scott River and extended upstream 3.5 miles. The objective of the habitat inventory was to document the habitat available to anadromous salmonids within the surveyed sections of Sugar Creek.
The objective of this report is to document the current habitat conditions and recommend options for the potential enhancement of habitat for Chinook salmon, coho salmon, and steelhead trout. Recommendations for habitat improvement activities are based upon target habitat values suitable for salmonids in California's north coast streams.
2005, Habitat Typing, Stream Inventory, SRCD Projects, Scott Valley, Scott River