Scott River Main-stem Water Monitoring Project 2023-2026
Project Summary (Abstract):
The Contractor will conduct the Scott River Mainstem Flow and Water Quality Monitoring Project (Project) in the Scott River. The Contractor will complete comprehensive monitoring of the mainstem Scott River under drought conditions through time, including surface water discharge, groundwater, and surface water temperature. Outreach and development to initiate and continue ongoing communication with landowners will be performed by the Contractor.
The Contractor will monitor flow at, or near, three monitoring stations located at Fay Lane Bridge, Horn Lane Bridge, and Meamber Bridge (see map included in Exhibit A, Attachment 1). This will involve direct flow measurement, telemetric river stage data, and the development of rating curves for each location.
To assess groundwater conditions, the Contractor will monitor groundwater levels at approximately six agricultural wells or installed piezometers through the valley reach of the mainstem Scott River. Two wells will be located adjacent to each aforementioned flow monitoring station. Additionally, the Contractor will monitor surface water temperature throughout the study reach (see map included in Attachment 1) at each of the flow stations and at four additional representative sites, locations of critical salmonid habitat, and/or areas with isolated pools to test for a groundwater temperature signature.