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Scott River Mainstem Habitat Typing Project Phase 1

Scott River Mainstem Habitat Typing Project Phase 1

Project Summary (Abstract):

The Upper Mainstem Scott River Habitat Enhancement: Phase I Project (Project) will examine and analyze contributing impacts to salmonid species within four contiguous miles of the upper mainstem Scott River and lower French Creek. This Project is a planning effort designed to better understand limiting factors and constraints to salmonid productivity through a detailed existing conditions analysis. Upon completion, this work will inform future implementation projects that will improve instream and off-channel habitat, enhance floodplain connectivity, improve riparian health, and establish drought resiliency measures. The Siskiyou Resource Conservation District (SRCD) will coordinate this work in partnership with the Siskiyou Land Trust (SLT), the Scott River Water Trust (SRWT), California Trout (Caltrout), Native American Tribes, and participating landowners. This request is part of a comprehensive effort being developed by the listed parties to restore fisheries populations and improve on-farm management. Working with the Spencer Ranch, KK Bar Ranch, and Scott River Ranch, the project area encompasses four contiguous miles of the mainstem Scott River through reaches 14 and 15 (Project Map), which is home to some of the highest salmonid intrinsic potential in the basin (NMFS, 2014).

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