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South Fork Scott River Floodplain Restoration Project - Phase 2

South Fork Scott River Floodplain Restoration Project - Phase 2

Project Summary (Abstract):

These observations have led the Siskiyou Resource Conservation District (SRCD) to focus restoration efforts on an approximate 1-mile reach of the South Fork Scott River above Boulder Creek. Since 2015, the SRCD has partnered with California Trout (Cal Trout), the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Western Rivers Conservancy (WRC), and Cascade Stream Solutions to develop restoration work on the South Fork Scott River for the benefit of coho salmon, Chinook salmon, and steelhead trout. This proposal builds upon the South Fork Scott River Floodplain Restoration Project: Phase 1 (Phase 1), which implemented treatments through 0.25 miles of the 1-mile reach in the fall of 2017. Phase 1 included the construction of two inset floodplains, three “chop-n-drop” logjams, and five large-wood habitat features, as well as the removal of approximately 1,900 cubic yards of mining tailings.

Site selection and treatment techniques were identified in 2015 during conceptual development for the full 1-mile stream reach. The entire area has been surveyed, photographed and a hydraulic analysis completed. Phase 2 focuses on the portion of stream immediately upstream from Phase 1, and design plans for Phase 2 are more than 65% complete. Additional survey work was recently completed and will be incorporated into the Final Construction Plans. Furthermore, coho utilization was identified within the Phase 1 constructed habitat units during 2018 juvenile monitoring surveys (attached), and these surveys helped inform the project team on applicable habitat treatments for Phase 2

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