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South Fork Scott River Floodplain Restoration Project - Phase 3

South Fork Scott River Floodplain Restoration Project - Phase 3

Project Summary (Abstract):

In 2019, the SRCD and CalTrout were awarded funding agreements to complete implementation of Phase 2, which covers a 0.14-mile section of the reach and is currently scheduled for the 2020 construction season. Phase 2 includes the installation of two inset floodplains, four side channel “chop-and-drop” logjams, one main channel “chop-and-drop” logjam, one main channel apex jam, six anchored bank structures, and riparian planting. Similar monitoring methods will be applied to document treatment functionality, stream habitat response, fisheries utilization and revegetation performance.

Subsequently, Phase 3 (as proposed here) focuses on a 0.15-mile section of the reach and is currently planned for 2021 implementation. Cascade Stream Solutions has produced intermediate (65%) status engineered drawings for the site (attached) and will be completing additional analysis through the spring of 2020 after which Final (100%) Construction Plans will be issued. The SRCD and CalTrout will continue to engage regulatory agencies through this process to refine the treatment plan and establish an approach for meeting environmental compliance standards. The proposed Phase 3 work will build on previously implemented phases and continue to address anthropomorphic impacts to the South Fork Scott River by improving floodplain accessibility, instream habitat quality, and riparian coverage.

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